
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - Click here for information.

Online Registration
SLC Online Registration


Applications for open enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year for grades K-12 will be accepted through June 1, 2025.  The application form may be accessed
under Quick Links for Parents.

Families already open-enrolled do not need to re-apply.

If your family resides in our school district and your child(ren) is(are) presently attending another school and you want your child(ren) to attend an ISD 2142 school beginning in September 2025, please notify us as soon as possible, but no later than June 1, 2025.  The notification form may be accessed here:  "
Return to Resident District 2142".

If you have any questions, please contact the office.


Minnesota's new Free School Meals Program allows all students to get one breakfast and one lunch free of charge each day at school.  A second meal is considered an a la carte item and must be priced at the adult meal rate. Adult meal rates for the 2024-2025 school year are: Breakfast $2.70 and Lunch $5.50.  Other a la carte items are also available for purchase.


ALL FAMILIES ARE ASKED TO COMPLETE THE 2024-2025 APPLICATION FOR EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS, regardless of income and regardless of whether or not your child(ren) eat school-provided meals.  The form is used for more than nutrition benefits.  Your child(ren) may qualify for other benefits.  Also, it assists the school district in qualifying for additional education funding, discounts, and other programs.

A link to the form is available on the home page of your school website and within the online registration.

Please contact your school office with any questions. 

If you are interested in attending Tower-Soudan Elementary School, stop by or call the office for more information at 218-753-4040. 

Tower-Soudan News

Child and Working Family Tax Credit

Even if you are not required to file Minnesota income tax returns, you can still file to claim valuable Minnesota tax benefits. The Working Family Credit and Child Tax Credits deliver tax relief to individuals whose income is below a certain level. Both credits are refundable, meaning you can receive a refund even if you do not owe tax.

The new Child Tax Credit is available to Minnesotans who have children under age 18. By filing a Minnesota tax return, you may qualify for $1,750 per child with no limit on the number of children.

The Working Family Credit is available to Minnesotans who earned income during the year. The maximum Working Family Credit is $350 if your earned income is $8,750 or more, and it can increase by:

  • $350 for no qualifying child
  • $1,275 for one qualifying child age 18 or older
  • $2,450 for two qualifying children age 18 or older
  • $2,850 for three or more qualifying children age 18 or older

For more information, please visit the Working Family Credit webpage and Child Tax Credit webpage on the Minnesota Department of Revenue website.

2024-2025 School Supply Lists

Teaching & Employment Opportunities
Eiligible Employer for (PSLF) Public Service Loan Forgiveness

What is PBIS?

District Newspaper

Technology Helpdesk - Trouble with your device, click here.

Technology Insurance Form

Click here to link to the St. Louis County Schools webpage with more information about employment and subbing opportunities.

Inclement Weather Notice
Contact Us
Tower-Soudan School
PO Box 469
415 North Second Street
Tower, MN 55790

Phone 218-753-4040
Fax 218-753-6461
Quick Links for Students
Quick Links for Community