I am the Learning Readiness, Early Childhood Education and Title I teacher in the Tower-Soudan elementary school. I have taught Early Childhood for 25 years in Ely, Babbitt and Tower and currently teach full-time in Tower.

Early Childhood Family Education is a class for parents/guardians to come to school with their children ages birth to 5 years old and not yet in Kindergarten. The class is Thursday mornings from 9-11 a.m. There is one hour time period to play and do planned activities together in the room followed by a circle time and snack. The parent session is during the second hour and the children stay with the teacher and assistant to play in the room, have a story and go to the gym for large muscle time.

The Spring Learn & Play class is  held on Thursday mornings in April & May 8:30-11:30 for children who are 3 years old before September 1st. There is no cost for your child to attend this class. Please contact Mary Larson for more information.

Learning Readiness is 3 full days a week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for children who were 4 years old by September 1st of the current school year.  The children can be transported on the school bus, eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria and if necessary, stay after school for the child enrichment program. 

Contact: Mary Larson